
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Last Sunday, I went to 庙会 . No idea what's this called in English, anyone knows? Anyway, this event will be held anually around the heritage site, Jalan Kapitan Keling to showcase the tradition of Chinese. I Went with Nicholas and Victor.
人山人海,水泄不通. Direct translation : people mountain people sea, water also cannot move. Alot of PEOPLE!
Took this shot while walking,jalan-jalaning. Armenian Street is one of the street included for 文化庙会. I realised this street sign dont have Tamil words, I think the government should put all 3 language as we're multi-racial country. Malaysia have Indians!
People playing Chinese Chess inside Cheah Kongsi , the people there must be really pro in this. 将军!
Man practising calligraphy, 珲春 . Calligraphy is an art, Chinese started calligraphy long long long ago, and is still practised by students in school today. 你喜欢书法吗?Do you like calligraphy?
Of course, one of the greatest tradition of Chinese long time ago, KUNG FU! Too bad they didn't teach Wing Chun , 永春.
Then went to 状元门。So many 状元s there, each taking a big sign . Why no 中学!? Im in 中学 now, guess 中学 is not qualified haha.
Close up. See that guy on the right? Holding the 大學 sign? I bet most of the Chung Ling-ers know who is he. Know or Don't know? He is Yu Xian , don't know got spell wrong or not .
This is the place, where they briefly describe about all the Chinese Ocassions. 中元节,hungry ghost festival on July.
This guy is making Ti Kueh, 甜糕. The traditional Ti Kuih is generally made using banana leave lined tin. That is not all, most of our kuih (cakes) uses banana leaf, coconut and fresh rice or glutinous flour.
Do you know what are they doing? Making kuih perhaps? I seriously have no idea what are they doing. By the way, they are kids/teens participating in KwongWah Newspaper 庙会 activity, it's fun to join activities like this!
Opening Ceremony by our Penang Chief Minister, YAB Lim Guan Eng! Only can take pic of his side. Many many people.
Another sideway shot, NickChan. I tell you, I have no idea how I took this shot .
Girls in traditional costume, pretty or not you decide! haha
Lion dance's equipments is also displayed by the roadside. I missed the lion dance, DAMN! Chinese believes lion dance brings luck.
SMILE! I bet they have a happy new year. I have a happy new year also, what about you? But it's going to end soon, looking forward to 9th of february,正月十五 元宵节!Big event in Esplanade also.


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